ANC Closure: Sunday, Jan. 19, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.

Arlington National Cemetery will close to family pass holders and the public on Sunday, Jan. 19 from 8 a.m. through approximately 2 p.m. due to a private inaugural wreath-laying ceremony. Increased security, road closures and anticipated congestion in and around the area led to temporarily suspending access to the grounds during this time. 

Published on: Thursday, January 16, 2025

Disinterment Procedures


Burials at Arlington National Cemetery are considered final. Requests for disinterment of an individual interred or inurned at Arlington National Cemetery must be submitted in writing by the primary next of kin (PNOK) or person authorized to direct disposition (PADD), in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations (32 CFR Part 553). Please note: Disinterment is approved only for those requestors whose facts merit extraordinary circumstances and, if approved, can be accomplished without expense to the United States government. A request must include the following documents:

  1. Notarized letter stating the name of the interred/inurned individual and a cogent reason for the disinterment request. The request should be sent to:
    The Executive Director
    Attn: Disinterment
    Arlington National Cemetery
    Arlington, VA 22211

  2. Notarized statement from all close living relatives (parents, siblings and children) of the interred individual, stating that they do not object to the proposed disinterment. A notarized statement must also be signed by the person who directed the original interment, if still surviving. 

  3. Notarized statement from a third party who knows those persons who have provided the statements of no objection to the requested exception. The notarized statement must list by name all persons who have provided a statement, and attest that those persons who provided statements are indeed the only living parents, siblings and adult children of the person already interred.

  4. The public disclosure form signed by the PNOK or PADD, available hereView Public Disclosure Form.