Bicycle Use Policy

Bicycling is not allowed on cemetery grounds without a family pass.
The primary purpose of ANC’s roads is to facilitate funeral services, families visiting the final resting place of loved ones and vehicles operating in the daily care of the cemetery. While we realize that riders intend no disrespect, bicyclists traversing the cemetery grounds do impact funeral services and the experience that families expect and deserve as they visit their loved one’s grave.
Additionally, there are legitimate safety concerns. As there are no bike paths on the cemetery grounds, mixing cyclists with pedestrians and vehicles creates a safety hazard.
Family members and guests desiring to visit a loved one’s grave can show their family pass in order to ride bicycles to and from the gravesite.
In accordance with safety regulations, family pass holders who ride a bicycle on cemetery grounds are required to wear a helmet. If the family member does not have a helmet, they must walk with the bicycle to and from the grave.
We thank you for your understanding and adherence to this policy.
For more information, please call 1-877-907-8585.