Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Centennial Commemoration Lecture Series
The Memorial Amphitheater and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier: Landscape and Grounds
Written and presented by Stephen Van Hoven, Chief of Horticulture, Arlington National Cemetery
The grounds and landscape of Memorial Amphitheater and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier have evolved over the past century. In this episode, Arlington National Cemetery’s Chief of Horticulture discusses the landscape and plants that augment these iconic memorials located at the heart of America’s most sacred shrine.
Listen Here: The Memorial Amphitheater and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier: Landscape and Grounds
Stephen Van Hoven serves as Arlington National Cemetery’s Chief of Horticulture. Van Hoven has worked at Arlington for almost 16 years, first as the cemetery’s Urban Forester, and then as its Chief of Horticulture since 2011. His interests are in cemetery landscape design and in the landscape history of Arlington National Cemetery. He is an International Society of Arboriculture board-certified master arborist and holds degrees in history, plant sciences, and forest resources.
Learn More:
The Environment at ANC Education Module
Memorial Arboretum video
Earth Day at Arlington National Cemetery video
Rain gardens at ANC video
Sustainable Practices at Arlington National Cemetery video

The Tomb of the Civil War Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery, circa 1900. (Library of Congress)

The original amphitheater (rededicated as the James R. Tanner Amphitheater in 2014) on Memorial Day, 1919. Of note, a canvas tent would be deployed over the open portion of the amphitheater to provide shade. (National Archives)

An undated rendering of the initial plan for Memorial Amphitheater’s grounds by architectural firm Carrère and Hastings. (ANC Historical Research Collection)

A view of the plantings in front of Memorial Amphitheater, likely sometime between 1920 and 1923. (Library of Congress)

An early aerial image of Memorial Amphitheater and Tomb of the Unknown Solider, circa 1920s. (ANC Historical Research Collection)

A rendering for the design of the approaches to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier by architect Lorimer Rich, who won the design contest to the complete the Tomb. (ANC Historical Research Collection)

This aerial photograph from 1929 shows some of the early trees and landscaping around Memorial Amphitheater. (ANC Historical Research Collection)

This April 2022 aerial photograph of Memorial Amphitheater and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier shows a modern view of the trees and landscaping. (U.S. Army photo)